
Drystone is located east of Whynofly and Irving and South of Abierta and South Potawatomi. Drystone is one of the largest provinces in Wegmat. The largest city if Lost Lake City in the southeast corner of the province and the capital is running Schorch located along the Schiller river in the Northwest. Drystone is named for being the dryest province in Wegmat. Drystone is sparsely populated except in the three largest cities, Lost Lake City, leno and Dunning Schorch.

Provincial Assembly and the Capital Building

Provincial Assembly meets every 4 months in the capital building in Dunning Schorch. Most of the province's services are located in dunning Schorch and. The provincial court sessions in the Assembly Hall. Provincial Assembly any Drystone citizen can attend to vote and propose laws with our direct democracy.

For more information: wegmatgov+drpa@gmail.com 

Office of the Governor: wegmatgov+drog@gmail.com 

Provincial Court

The Provincial Court holds a judge who hears cases from disagreements between two parties that must be decided upon by a third party. The court also settles criminal cases between the Department of Justice and a person who is facing charges by them. The Court is an unbiased institute except when favoring human rights endowed in the Federal and Provincial constitutions. 

For more information and services: wegmatgov+drcourt@gmail.com 

Department of Justice

Runs the Drystone Provincial Patrol and charges individuals with criminal charges if convicted. Fill out this form to settle a civil dispute. Come to a Provincial building to report a crime.

For more information and services: wegmatgov+drpa@gmail.com 

Office of the Attorney General: wegmatgov+droag@gmail.com 

Department of the state and treasury

We provide all state services, not managed by another department. Settles labor affairs.

For more information and services: wegmatgov+drdst@gmail.com 

Office of the Secretary of State: wegmatgov+drsos@gmail.com 

Department of public infrastructure and resources

Oversees and manages all non-federal or municipal roads, cartlines, airports, pipes, power, parks, forests and healthcare.

For more information and services: wegmatgov+drdpir@gmail.com 

Office of the Secretary of State: wegmatgov+drsos@gmail.com