Frequently asked questions
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Is Wegmat a real country?
Yes. Wegmat is a sovereign nation that has declared independence from the United States.
Where is Wegmat?
The majority of Wegmat is located in the Western Chicago Suburbs including the capital. Other claims of Wegmat can be found in Wisconsin and Michigan
Can I visit Wegmat?
Most places. The majority of Wegmat is open to visitors from the public and is visa-free as we believe in open borders. However, the provinces and Federal District of Gliffork, New Finland, Cenwister, and Two Pine are all illegal to visit without permission from their local government.
What does Wegmat do?
Wegmat is a project. Our goals are to help the community that our citizens reside in as well as promote art. (Oak Park, IL and parts of Chicago, IL)
Do Weg citizens pay Taxes?
Yes, US taxes still apply to most Weg citizens as they work in the United States and my own property in the United States.
The Public Revenue Service collects taxes from Companies in Wegmat and Land Owners in Wegmat. Most land is public and most citizens do not manage companies so the vast majority of Weg citizens do not pay a single Gogo in taxes to the Wegmat Government.
Is Wegmat lawless?
No. The Constitution and the Federal Codex apply to all territories of the Federal Union. Provinces also have their own codes for their territories. US and State law may apply if deemed necessary by a Federal Court of Wegmat.