
Hilda is located north of Essef and south of Hydrove. Hilda's capital and largest city Isadora is located in the southwest corner of the province along the Des Plaines River. Rainbow Bridge is located in Isadora just south of Bailey National Forest. Hilda's second largest city, Fort Jerome is located in the north of the province. Hilda is a naturally diverse province and the largest of the in-provinces.

Hilda congress

Hilda congress is led by the governor and meets in the Hilda Capital. They vote on legislation in the province. 

Contact at wegmatgov+hlcongress@gmail.com 

Court of Hilda

The Court of Hilda has 2 districts, North and South, both with a judge. The court solves all legal issues in the province that have been taken there. Federal lawsuit form here.

Contact at wegmatgov+hlcourt@gmail.com 

Department of the Interior

The Hilda Dept. of the Interior monitors municipalities, monitors local police agencies, minimalizes corruption and manages the provincial prosecution.

Contact at wegmatgov+hldoti@gmail.com 

Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

The Hilda Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources manages all public provincial land, promotes and regulates agriculture and manages natarul resources

Contact at wegmatgov+hldnra@gmail.com 

Licenses are issued in Isadora

Department of Transportation

Hilda Dept. of Transportation manages the provincial road system, the Port of Hilda, Port of Isadora and municipal transit agencies.

Contact at wegmatgov+hldot@gmail.com 

Department of Commerce and Industry

Hilda Dept. of Commerce and Industry regulates exports, imports, labor laws and businesses.

Contact at wegmatgov+hldci@gmail.com