Ministry of Transportation
Transportation is important for the connection of Wegmat and for commerce. The Federal Government manages and assists transportation infrastructure thoughout the country.
To obtain a license or permit please visit an MOT office at your consulate, fill out this form here.
Weg Ways
Weg Ways is the best way to travel across Wegmat. Weg Ways is the government-operated cart service that serves all major cities in mainland Wegmat.
Buy a Ticket
The Thatcher and Isadora Railroad is the official railroad of Wegmat. Operated by the Wegmat International Railroad Authority, the International Railroad runs between Austine Avenue in Chicago, Illinois to La Framboise, Hydrove. The railroad's flagship route is the Acorn. Other routes include:
Acorn Limited - Express Acorn Service, only stops at major cities.
Sunflower - Stations between Isadora and La Bamboise
Great Keystone - Bushwood to Isadora, express
Garden Special - Bushwood to Austin Avenue
Saftey Concerns
They are 11 Federal Highways, they are jointly administrated by the Wegmat Highway Authority and Cook County Forest Preserve District.
Road map
Open - All Traffic Can Continue Normally
Use Caution - Some traffic may be difficult to move through, plan a different route.
Closed - No traffic allowed
Wegmat Route 1 :
Dusklight Ave to Broken Dreams Blvd Open
Paved Roads (Automobiles Allowed) Open
Wegmat Route 4 :
Wegmat Route 1 to Stonik (Automobiles allowed) Open
Stonik to Prarik Open
Prarik to Thatcher Thrine Open
Thatcher Thrine to Evansville (Automobiles allowed) Open
Evansville to Fort Jerome Open
Wegmat Route 6 :
Wegmat Route 10 to Interior Open
Interior to Kaplon Open
Kaplon to Lost Lake City Open
Wegmat Route 7 :
Port Bodwatmi to Che-Che (Automobiles allowed) Open
Che-Che to Easter Border (Automobiles allowed) Open
Wegmat Route 8:
Wegmat Route 7 to 808 South Terminus (Automobiles allowed) Open
808 South Terminus to 808 North Terminus (Automobiles allowed) Open
808 North Terminus to Westfeild (Automobiles allowed) Open
Westfeild to Nowhere (Automobiles allowed) Open
Nowhere to Darkwater (Automobiles allowed) Open
Wegmat Route 9:
Lost Lake City to Addison Open
Addison to Dunning Schorch Open
Dunning Schorch to Che-Che Open
Wegmat Route 10:
Green Lake Tunnel Open
Greenlake Tunnel to Framboise Tunnel Open
Framboise Tunnel Open
Framboise Tunnel to Whynofly border Open
Whynofly Border to Belle Plaine Dam-Bridge Open
Belle Plaine Dam-Bridge Open
Belle Plaine Dam-Bridge to Irving City Open
Irving City to Crystal Springs Open
Crystal Springs to Robinson Customs Station Open
Route Connection 14:
Essef Provincial Road 2 to North Bend Open
North Bend to Colorado Depot Open
Route Connection 76:
Interior to Gateway Bridge Open
Gateway Bridge Open
Gateway Bridge to Che-Che Open
Route Connection 88:
South Terminus to North Terminus (Automobiles allowed) Open
Route Connection 106:
Wegmat Route 10 to Cape Chad Open
Route Connection 108:
Crystal Springs to Midway Open
Midway to Darkwater Open